Handelsnamen Kunststof
Handelsnamen kunststof
Handelsnamen Kunststof | Letterafkorting volgens ISO | Chemische benamingen |
Absafil | ABS (GFK) | Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen |
Absaglas | ABS (GFK) | Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen |
Absalex | ABS | Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen |
Absinol | ABS | Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen |
Abson | ABS | Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen |
Abstrex | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Acella | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Acetabel | CA | Cellulose-Acetaat |
Aclacell | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Aclathan | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Aclathan elastomeer | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Acoplan | UP (GFK) | Unsaturated Polyester |
Acowell | UP (GFK) | Unsaturated Polyester |
Acrifix | PMMA | Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat |
Acriplex | PMMA | Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat |
Acrylux | PMMA | Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat |
Acrytex | PMMA | Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat |
Adiprene | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Adiprene | UR (Vp) | Butylrubber (elastomeer) |
Adretta | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Aerophenal | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Aeternamid | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Afcodur | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Afcoléne | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Afcovyls | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Akulon | PA 6 | Polyamide, Nylon |
Akulon R600 | PA 6,6 | Polyamide, Nylon |
Alathon | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Albamit | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Alberit | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Albertit | UF | Ureum-formaldehyde |
Aldurol | UP | Unsaturated Polyester |
Algoflon | PTFE | Poly-Tetra-Fluor-Etheen |
Alkathene | HDPE | Hoge Dichtheid Poly Etheen |
Alkathene | LDPE | Lage Dichtheid Poly Etheen |
Alkathene | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Alkon | POM | Poly-Oxy-Methyleen |
Alkorcrom | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Alkorfol | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Alkorit | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Alkoron | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Alkothylen | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Alnovol | PF (novolak) | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Alpolit | UP | Unsaturated Polyester |
Alresen | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Ambroin | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Andoran | PC | Poly-Carbonaat |
Appretan | PVAC | Poly-vinyl-acetaat |
Araldit | EP | Epoxy (harsen) |
Araldit | EP | Epoxy (harsen) |
Armodur | PVC hard | PVC zonder weekmaker |
Arnite | PBTP | Poly-Butileen-Tereftalaat |
Arnite | PETP | Poly Etheen Tere Ftalaat |
Arnite G | PETP | Poly Etheen Tere Ftalaat |
Asplit | PF (mod) | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Astradur | PVC (mod) | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Astraglas | PVC zacht | PVC met weekmaker |
Astralit | PVC hard | PVC zonder weekmaker |
Astralon | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Astratherm | PVC hard | PVC zonder weekmaker |
Atephen | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Atlac | UP | Unsaturated Polyester |
Atlas | PETP | Poly Etheen Tere Ftalaat |
Atlastik | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Bakelite | EP | Epoxy (harsen) |
Bakelite | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Bakelite | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Bakelite | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Bakelite | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Bakelite | UF | Ureum-formaldehyde |
Bakelite Polysulfon | PSU | Poly-Sulfon |
Bascodur | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Baycryl | PMMA | Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat |
Baydur | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Baydur schuim | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Bayfill schuim | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Bayfit schuim | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Bayflex | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Bayflex schuim | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Baylon | HDPE | Hoge Dichtheid Poly Etheen |
Baylon | LDPE | Lage Dichtheid Poly Etheen |
Baylon | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Baytec elastomeer | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Baytherm schuim | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Beckaminol | UF | Ureum-formaldehyde |
Beckocoat | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Beckoform | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Beckopox | EP | Epoxy (harsen) |
Becurol | UF | Ureum-formaldehyde |
Bendurlen | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Bendurplast | UP | Unsaturated Polyester |
Benecor | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Benedur | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Benvic | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Bexoid | CA | Cellulose-Acetaat |
Bexthene | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Bexthene | PP | Poly-Propyleen |
Bextrene | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Biradur | PF (PM) | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Birakrit | EP | Epoxy (harsen) |
Birakrit | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Birakrit | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Biraletex | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Biralit | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Biramin | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Birax | EP | Epoxy (harsen) |
Birax | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Birax | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Bocato | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Brandalen | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Brandalit | ABS | Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen |
Brandobutyrar | CAB | Cellulose-Acetaat-Butyraat |
Brandur | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Breon | PC | Poly-Carbonaat |
Brüggamid | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Brulon | PA (GFK) | Polyamide, Nylon |
Buton | PS-Cop | Poly-Styreen copolymeer |
Cabulite | CAB | Cellulose-Acetaat-Butyraat |
Caprolan | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Cardura | Polyester | Polyester |
Carina | PVC hard | PVC zonder weekmaker |
Carinex | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Carlona | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Carlona P | PP | Poly-Propyleen |
Carta | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Casocryl | PMMA | Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat |
Celastoid | CA | Cellulose-Acetaat |
Celatron | PS (mod) | Poly-Styreen |
Celawrap | CA | Cellulose-Acetaat |
Celcon | POM | Poly-Oxy-Methyleen |
Celipal | UP | Unsaturated Polyester |
Cellastine | CA | Cellulose-Acetaat |
Cellasto | UR | Butylrubber (elastomeer) |
Cellidor | CA | Cellulose-Acetaat |
Cellidor | CAB | Cellulose-Acetaat-Butyraat |
Cellidor | CP | Cellulose-Propionaat |
Cellidor A | CA | Cellulose-Acetaat |
Cellidor B | CAB | Cellulose-Acetaat-Butyraat |
Cellidor CP | CP | Cellulose-Propionaat |
Cellidor S | CA | Cellulose-Acetaat |
Cellidor U | CA | Cellulose-Acetaat |
Cellit | CA | Cellulose-Acetaat |
Cellit | CAB | Cellulose-Acetaat-Butyraat |
Cello | CA | Cellulose-Acetaat |
Cellon | CA | Cellulose-Acetaat |
Cellonex | CA | Cellulose-Acetaat |
Cellophan | Zellglas | Geregenereerde cellulose, cellofaan |
Celluloid | CN | Cellulose-Nitraat, Celluloid |
Celoron | PF hawe | Fenol-Formaldehyde met weefsel |
Celso | CMC | Carboxy-Methyl-Cellulose |
Chemoplast | CF | Cresol-Formaldehyde |
Cheratolo | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Cibanoid | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Cibanoid | UF | Ureum-formaldehyde vormmassa |
Cibanoid | UF | Ureum-formaldehyde |
Cimacell | CA | Cellulose-Acetaat |
Cimalen | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Cimasit | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Cimavil | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Condal | UR | Butylrubber (elastomeer) |
Conrex | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Contan | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Contex | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Conthan | PUR Elastomeer | Poly-Urethaan |
Conti-pur | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Conticell | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Conticell | PVC hard | PVC zonder weekmaker |
Contiduct | Si | Silicoonrubber |
Contilan | UR | Butylrubber (elastomeer) |
Contilan elastomeer | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Contimatic | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Continol | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Contiplast | PVC zacht | PVC met weekmaker |
Contiplastex | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Contipren | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Contivyl | PVC-Cop | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride copolymeer |
Corblaniet | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Corephen | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Corotex | Si | Silicoonrubber |
Corvic | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Covaplast | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Covertex | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Crastin | PBTP | Poly-Butileen-Tereftalaat |
Crylor | PAN | Poly-Acrylo-Nitrille |
Culminal | MC | Methyl-Cellulose |
Cuprophan | Zellglas | Geregenereerde cellulose, cellofaan |
CV-than | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Cyclolac | ABS | Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen |
d-c-fix | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Dacron | PETP | Poly Etheen Tere Ftalaat |
Dacron vezel | PETP | Poly Etheen Tere Ftalaat |
Daltoflex | UR | Butylrubber (elastomeer) |
Daplen | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Daplen | PP | Poly-Propyleen |
Darvic | PVC hard | PVC zonder weekmaker |
Decaplast | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Decelith | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Degalan | PMMA | Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat |
Degamid | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Deglas | PMMA | Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat |
Dekadur | PVC hard | PVC zonder weekmaker |
Dekorit | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Deliplan | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Deliplast | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Delrin | POM | Poly-Oxy-Methyleen |
Demilan | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Deroton | PBTP | Poly-Butileen-Tereftalaat |
Desamin | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Desmoflex elastomeer | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Desmopan elastomeer | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Desmophen | Polypol voor PUR | Polypol voor PUR |
Desurit | UF | Ureum-formaldehyde |
Dewoglas | PMMA | Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat |
Dewopor | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Diakon | PMMA | Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat |
Diofan D | PVDC | Polyvinylideenchloride |
Diolen vezel | PETP | Poly Etheen Tere Ftalaat |
Distrene | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Dobeckot | EP | Epoxy (harsen) |
Dolan | PAN | Poly-Acrylo-Nitrille |
Dorix | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Dorlastan | UR | Butylrubber (elastomeer) |
Dorlastan vezel | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Drakavita | PVC zacht | PVC met weekmaker |
Dralon | PAN | Poly-Acrylo-Nitrille |
Dunos | VF | Vulkan-Fiber |
Duraform versterkt | PVC diversen | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Duralin | EP | Epoxy (harsen) |
Duralit | EP | Epoxy (harsen) |
Durethan | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Durethan A | PA 6,6 | Polyamide, Nylon |
Durethan B | PA 6 | Polyamide, Nylon |
Durodet | UP | Unsaturated Polyester (prepreg) |
Durophen | PF (mod) | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Duroxyn | EP | Epoxy (harsen) |
Dyflor 2000 | PVDF | Poly-Vinyli-deen-Fluoride |
Dynaplan | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Dynarohr | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Dynopas | VF | Vulkan-Fiber |
Dynos | VF | Vulkan-Fiber |
Dynyl | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Ecaron | CA | Cellulose-Acetaat |
Ecepolen | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Edimet | PMMA | Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat |
Edistir | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Eftrelon | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Ekadur | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Ekalit | PVC (zacht) | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Ekalon | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Ekavin | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Ekazell | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Eltex | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Elvacite | PMMA | Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat |
Elvamide | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Elvanol | PVAL | Polyvinylalcohol |
Elvax | PE-Cop | Poly-Etheen copolymeer |
Emu-pulver | PS-Cop | Poly-Styreen copolymeer |
Epi-rez | EP | Epoxy (harsen) |
Epikote | EP | Epoxy (harsen) |
Epilox | EP | Epoxy (harsen) |
Epocast | EP | Epoxy (harsen) |
Epolite | EP | Epoxy (harsen) |
Epon | EP | Epoxy (harsen) |
Epotuf | EP | Epoxy (harsen) |
Epoxin | EP | Epoxy (harsen) |
Epoxyn | EP | Epoxy (harsen) |
Ercusol | PAN | Poly-Acrylo-Nitrille |
Erilat | PETP | Poly Etheen Tere Ftalaat |
Erital | POM | Poly-Oxy-Methyleen |
Ertacetal | POM | Poly-Oxy-Methyleen |
Ertalene | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Ertalon | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Ertalon 11 SA | PA 11 | Polyamide, Nylon |
Ertalon 6 SA | PA 6 | Polyamide, Nylon |
Ertalon 6,6 SA | PA 6,6 | Polyamide, Nylon |
Ertalyte | PETP | Poly Etheen Tere Ftalaat |
Ertalyte | PETP | Poly Etheen Tere Ftalaat |
Ertane | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Ertane | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Ertaphenyl | PPO | Poly-Phenyleen-Oxide |
Ervamine | MF mod | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Ervaphene | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Escon 502 | PP | Poly-Propyleen |
Essene | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Ethafoam | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Etocel | EC | Ethyl-Cellulose |
Etofil | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Europox | EP | Epoxy (harsen) |
Evilon | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Exon | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Exporit | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Ezolith | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Faturan | CF mod | Cresol-Formaldehyde |
Faturan | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Febolit | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Fenochem | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Ferropox | EP | Epoxy (harsen) |
Ferrotron | PTFE | Poly-Tetra-Fluor-Etheen |
Fertene | LDPE | Lage Dichtheid Poly Etheen |
Fertene | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Fibercast | EP | Epoxy (harsen) |
Flex | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Flosbrene | PS-Cop | Poly-Styreen copolymeer |
Fluon | PTFE | Poly-Tetra-Fluor-Etheen |
Fluoril | PTFE | Poly-Tetra-Fluor-Etheen |
Fluorosint | PTFE | Poly-Tetra-Fluor-Etheen |
Fluosite | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Folan | PO/PVC | Phenoxyhars/polyvinylchloride |
Folioplast | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Formaldafil | POM | Poly-Oxy-Methyleen |
Formanyl | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Formica | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Formolit | EP | Epoxy (harsen) |
Forticel | CP | Cellulose-Propionaat |
Fortilene | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Fortilflex | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Fortisan | CA | Cellulose-Acetaat |
Fosta Tuf-Flex | SB | Styreen-Butadieen (slagvast PS) |
Fostylon | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Frigolit | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Furnit | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Furnit-fix | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Gabrite | UF | Ureum-formaldehyde |
Gaflon | PTFE | Poly-Tetra-Fluor-Etheen |
Garbel | PVC-Cop | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride copolymeer |
Geadur | EP | Epoxy (harsen) |
Geadur | UP | Unsaturated Polyester |
Geaplast | EP | Epoxy (harsen) |
Geaplast | UP | Unsaturated Polyester |
Geapox | EP | Epoxy (harsen) |
Geax | EP | Epoxy (harsen) |
Geax | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Geax | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Geberit | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Gédélite | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Gédex | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Gedexal | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Gedopal | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Gehaplast | ABS | Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen |
Gel-Kote | UP | Unsaturated Polyester |
Gemon | PI | Poly-Imide |
Genafol | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
genal | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Genolon | PVC-Cop | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride copolymeer |
Genopag | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Genotherm | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Geon | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Geon | PVDC | Polyvinylideenchloride |
Gepolit | PVC-Cop | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride copolymeer |
Gerfils | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Gerflex | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Glakresit | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Glapoband | UR | Butylrubber (elastomeer) |
Glutofix | MC | Methyl-Cellulose |
Glutolin | EC | Ethyl-Cellulose |
Glutolin | MC | Methyl-Cellulose |
Glyptal | Alkydharz | Alkydharz |
Gölzathen | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Grancon | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Granubel | EC | Ethyl-Cellulose |
Grecoform | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Gremopal | UP | Unsaturated Polyester |
Griffine | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Griffolyn | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Grilamid | PA12 | Polyamide, Nylon |
Grilon | PA 6 | Polyamide, Nylon |
Gurimur | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Gutan | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Guttamgena | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Guttasyn | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Hagulen | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Hakorit | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Halvic | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Hedon | PVAC | Poly-vinyl-acetaat |
Halar | ECTFE | Ethylenechlorotrifluoroethylene |
Helia | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Heliofil | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Helioflex | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Helmapor | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Herboplex | UP | Unsaturated Polyester |
Hermaplast | PVAC | Poly-vinyl-acetaat |
Herox | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Heydeflon | PTFE | Poly-Tetra-Fluor-Etheen |
Hi-fax | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Hilex | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Hishi | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Holoplast | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Hornex | VF | Vulkan-Fiber |
Hornitex | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Hostadur | PETP | Poly Etheen Tere Ftalaat |
Hostaflex | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Hostaflon ET | ETFE | Etheen-tetra-fluor-etheen |
Hostaflon TF | PTFE | Poly-Tetra-Fluor-Etheen |
Hostaform | POM | Poly-Oxy-Methyleen |
Hostaform C | POM | Poly-Oxy-Methyleen |
Hostalen | HDPE | Hoge Dichtheid Poly Etheen |
Hostalen G | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Hostalen LD | LDPE | Lage Dichtheid Poly Etheen |
Hostalen PP | PP | Poly-Propyleen |
Hostalflon | PTFE | Poly-Tetra-Fluor-Etheen |
Hostalit | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Hostaphan | PETP | Poly Etheen Tere Ftalaat |
Hostaphan folie | PETP | Poly Etheen Tere Ftalaat |
Hostapox | EP | Epoxy (harsen) |
Hostlit Z slagvast | PVC diversen | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Hostyreen | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Hostyreen XS weerbestendig | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Hostyren | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Howeflex | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Howelon | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Howesol | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Howstex | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Hycar | PAN | Poly-Acrylo-Nitrille |
Hydrofit | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Hyvin | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Ignilux | PMMA | Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat |
Imprenal | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Inklurit | UF | Ureum-formaldehyde |
Iolon | PE-Cop | Poly-Etheen copolymeer |
Iporka | UF | Ureum-formaldehyde |
Iso-Genopak | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Isocord | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Isodur | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Isopor | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Isoschaum | UF | Ureum-formaldehyde |
Isovyl | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Jägadukt | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Jägaphren | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Jagapol | UP | Unsaturated Polyester |
Kaethan | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Kailoc | EP | Epoxy (harsen) |
Kailoc | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Kakrofol | PC | Poly-Carbonaat |
Kapton | PI | Poly-Imide |
Kapton film | PI | Poly-Imide |
Kauramin | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Kauresin | CF | Cresol-Formaldehyde |
Kauresin | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Kaurit | UF | Ureum-formaldehyde |
Kaystrene | PS mod | Poly-Styreen |
Kel-F | PCTFE | Poly-carbonat-tetra-fluor-etheen |
Kel-F | PVF | Poly-Vinyl-Fluoride |
Kelanex | PBTP | Poly-Butileen-Tereftalaat thermoplastische |
Kelon F | PCTFE | Poly-carbonat-tetra-fluor-etheen |
Keltan | PO-Terpolymeer | Phenoxyhars |
Kematal | POM | Poly-Oxy-Methyleen |
Keramin | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Keripol | UP | Unsaturated Polyester |
Keripolat | UP | Unsaturated Polyester |
Keripreg | UP | Unsaturated Polyester |
Kerit | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Kernatal | POM-Cop | polyoxymethyleen copolymeer |
Kevlar : vezel | ARAMIDE | Aromatische polyamide |
Kömacel structuurschuim | PVC hard | PVC zonder weekmaker |
Komponit | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Komponit | UF | Ureum-formaldehyde |
Koresin | PF-mod | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Korso | PVC (zacht) | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Kurny | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Kydene | PVC-mod | gemodificieerd polyvinylchloride |
Kynar | PVDF | Poly-Vinyli-deen-Fluoride |
Lacqvyl | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Lacrinite | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Lacritex | PMMA | Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat |
Lactame 12 | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Lactene | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Lamelite | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Lamigadur | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Lamigamid | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Lamigom | UR | Butylrubber (elastomeer) |
Laminex | CF | Cresol-Formaldehyde |
Laminex | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Lamoltan | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Lastilac | ABS | Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen |
Lastirol | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Latene | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Laticel | CA | Cellulose-Acetaat |
Lavepox | EP | Epoxy (harsen) |
Leacril | PAN | Poly-Acrylo-Nitrille |
Leavil | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Leavin | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Ledasto | CN | Cellulose-Nitraat, Celluloid |
Ledron | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Legrupen | UP | Unsaturated Polyester |
Leguval | UP | Unsaturated Polyester |
Lekutherm | EP | Epoxy (harsen) |
Letex | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Levepox | EP | Epoxy (harsen) |
Levrapen | EVA | Etheen-Vinyl-Acetaat |
Lexan | PC | Poly-Carbonaat |
Lipolan | SB | Styreen-Butadieen (slagvast PS) |
Litex | SB | Styreen-Butadieen (slagvast PS) |
Lorkacel | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Lotrene | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Lucite | PMMA | Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat |
Lucolene | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Ludopal | UP | Unsaturated Polyester |
Luparen | PP | Poly-Propyleen |
Rich Kunststoffen Apeldoorn | ||
Luphene | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Lupolen | HDPE | Hoge Dichtheid Poly Etheen |
Lupolen | LDPE | Lage Dichtheid Poly Etheen |
Lupolen | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Luran | SAN | Styreen-Acrylo-Nitril |
Luran S | ASA | Acrylonitrille-Styreen-Acrylaat |
Luron | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Lustran | ABS | Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen |
Lustran | SAN | Styreen-Acrylo-Nitril |
Lustrex | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Lustrex | SB | Styreen-Butadieen (slagvast PS) |
Lutophan | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Luvitherm | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Luwipal | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Lycorex | PVC-Cop | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride copolymeer |
Lycovyl | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Lycra (vezel) | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Lynicell | PVC (zacht) | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Macrolon | PC | Poly-Carbonaat |
Macroplast | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Madurit | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Makrofol N folie | PC | Poly-Carbonaat |
Makrolon | PC | Poly-Carbonaat |
Maprenale | MF mod | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Maranyl | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Maranyl A | PA 6,6 | Polyamide, Nylon |
Maranyl F | PA 6 | Polyamide, Nylon |
Marlex | HDPE | Hoge Dichtheid Poly Etheen |
Marleyflex | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Marleyflor | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Max-Platte | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Melafilm | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Melan | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Melaplast | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Melbrite | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Melinex | PETP | Poly Etheen Tere Ftalaat |
Melinex folie | PETP | Poly Etheen Tere Ftalaat |
Melment | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Melment | UF | Ureum-formaldehyde |
Melmex | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Melocol | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Melocol | UF | Ureum-formaldehyde |
Melolam | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Melopas | EP | Epoxy (harsen) |
Melopas | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Melopas | UF | Ureum-formaldehyde |
Menzolit | UP | Unsaturated Polyester |
Mepal | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Metallon | EP | Epoxy (harsen) |
Metracrylene | BS | Butadieen-Styreen |
Metylan | MC | Methyl-Cellulose |
MicrothenE | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Mincel | VPE | Vernet polyetheen |
Minlon | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Mipolam | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Mipolam | PVC zacht | PVC met weekmaker |
Mipoplast | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Mipoplast | PVC zacht | PVC met weekmaker |
Miramid | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Mirason | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Mirathen | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Moltopren | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Moltopren schuim | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Moplefan | PP | Poly-Propyleen |
Moplen | PP | Poly-Propyleen |
Moplen Ro | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Moudrite | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Moudrite | UF | Ureum-formaldehyde |
Mouldrite | UF | Ureum-formaldehyde |
Movil | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Mowicoll | PVAC | Poly-vinyl-acetaat |
Mowilith | PVAC | Poly-vinyl-acetaat |
Mowiol | PVAL | Polyvinylalcohol |
Mowiton | PVAC | Poly-vinyl-acetaat |
Multilene | HDPE | Hoge Dichtheid Poly Etheen |
Multilene | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Multilene | PP | Poly-Propyleen |
MXD-Faser | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Mylar | PETP | Poly Etheen Tere Ftalaat |
Mylar folie | PETP | Poly Etheen Tere Ftalaat |
Nalene | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Nandel | PAN | Poly-Acrylo-Nitrille |
Napryl | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Naxolene | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Naxolite | CA | Cellulose-Acetaat |
Neopolen | LDPE | Lage Dichtheid Poly Etheen |
Neoprene | CR | Chloorrubber |
Neoxil | UR | Butylrubber (elastomeer) |
Neupora | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Nevalin | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Nevanylon | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Nicaron | PVC-Cop | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride copolymeer |
Nicolon | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Nicotherm | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Nikalet | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Nikavinyl | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Nikelet | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Nipeon | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Nipolon | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Nitrolon | PAN | Poly-Acrylo-Nitrille |
Nitron | PAN | Poly-Acrylo-Nitrille |
Nivion | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Nobipor | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Noblan | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Nopalon | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Nopalplast | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Nopinol | PF mod | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Norflex | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Norsodyne | UP | Unsaturated Polyester |
Norsomix | UP | Unsaturated Polyester |
Norsopreg | UP | Unsaturated Polyester |
Norsoran | ABS | Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen |
Noryl | PPO | Poly-Phenyleen-Oxide |
Novalen | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Novitex | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Novodur | ABS | Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen |
Novolen | PP | Poly-Propyleen |
Novolite | UP | Unsaturated Polyester |
Novolon | PVC zacht | PVC met weekmaker |
Novopan | UF | Ureum-formaldehyde |
Novotext | PF hawe | Fenol-Formaldehyde met weefsel |
Nwiflex | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Nyhamin | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Nylatron | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Nylatron | PA 6,6 | Polyamide, Nylon |
Nylon | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Oldopal | UP | Unsaturated Polyester |
Orgamide | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Orgater | PBTP | Poly-Butileen-Tereftalaat thermoplastische |
Orlon | PAN | Poly-Acrylo-Nitrille |
Osnalen | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Osnalen | PP | Poly-Propyleen |
Ospelon | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Osstyrol | ABS | Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen |
Osstyrol | SB | Styreen-Butadieen (slagvast PS) |
Pagulan | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Pagwood | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Palatal | UP | Unsaturated Polyester |
Panlite | PC | Poly-Carbonaat |
Pantaplast | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Pantarin | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Paraglas | PMMA | Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat |
Paraloid | ABS | Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen |
PC-Kleber | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Peguform | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Pelaspan | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Perfol | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
perlon | PMMA | Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat |
Perlonvezel | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Perspex | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Perspex | PMMA | Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat |
Pertinax | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Pertinax | PF hapa | Fenol-Formaldehyde met papierlagen |
Petrothene | VPE | Vernet polyetheen |
Phenoxyharz | PO | Phenoxyhars |
Philite | UF | Ureum-formaldehyde |
Phoenolan | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Phoenolit | PVC mod | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Phoenopren | PMMA | Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat |
Piacryl | PMMA | Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat |
Piadurol | UF mod | Ureum-formaldehyde |
Piaflor | UF | Ureum-formaldehyde |
Piatherm | UF | Ureum-formaldehyde |
Pibiter | PBTP | Poly-Butileen-Tereftalaat |
Pioloform | Polyvinylacetal | Polyvinylacetal |
PK-Tex | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Planatex | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Plastacele | CA | Cellulose-Acetaat |
Plastapak | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Plastapan F | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Plastazote | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Plastin | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Plastisol | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Plastoflex | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Plastothen | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Plastrotrans | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Plexidur | PMMA/PAN | Polymethylmethacrylaat |
Plexiglas | PMMA | Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat |
Plexit | PMMA | Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat |
Pliovic | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Plypac | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Plyvit | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Pocan | PBTP | Poly-Butileen-Tereftalaat |
Pokalon | PC | Poly-Carbonaat |
Pokalon folie | PC | Poly-Carbonaat |
Polaster | UP | Unsaturated Polyester |
Polidro | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Pollopas | UF | Ureum-formaldehyde |
Pollydet | UP | Unsaturated Polyester |
Polufluron | PTFE | Poly-Tetra-Fluor-Etheen |
Polwinit | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Polyaire | Pur | Poly-Urethaan |
Polyane | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Polyanyl | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Polycarbafil | PC | Poly-Carbonaat |
Polyeit | UP | Unsaturated Polyester |
Polyen | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Polyflex | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Polymer SP | PI | Poly-Imide |
Polynak | PAN | Poly-Acrylo-Nitrille |
Polyron | UR | Butylrubber (elastomeer) |
Polyron | UR | Butylrubber (elastomeer) |
Polysar ABS | ABS | Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen |
Polysolit | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Polysulfon | Polysulfon | Polysulfon |
Polytherm | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Polyviol | PVAL | Polyvinylalcohol |
Ponal | PVAC | Poly-vinyl-acetaat |
Poprolin | PP | Poly-Propyleen |
Porocell | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Porodur | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Poron | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Poroplast | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Preglas | UP | Unsaturated Polyester |
Prelana | PAN | Poly-Acrylo-Nitrille |
Prenite | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Prescollan | UR | Butylrubber (elastomeer) |
Pressal-Leim | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Pro-fax | PP | Poly-Propyleen |
Prodorit | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Profil | PP | Poly-Propyleen |
Progilite | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Propafilm | PP | Poly-Propyleen |
Propathene | PP | Poly-Propyleen |
Propiofan | PVC-Cop | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride copolymeer |
Propylsar | PP | Poly-Propyleen |
Prylene | PE-Cop | Poly-Etheen copolymeer |
Prylene | PP | Poly-Propyleen |
PTMT-TSG schuim | PTMT | Poly-Tetra-Methyleen-Tereftalaat |
Pyre-ML | PI | Poly-Imide |
Pyrrone | PI | Poly-Imide |
Q X-13 | PI | Poly-Imide |
Quiana | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Quox | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Rapok | PF mod | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Ravemul | PVAL | Polyvinylalcohol |
Ravikral | ABS | Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen |
Ravinil | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Recopor | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Refix | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Relatin | CMC | Carboxy-Methyl-Cellulose |
Renyl | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Repthane | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Resarit | PMMA | Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat |
Resart | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Resart | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Resart | UP | Unsaturated Polyester |
Resartglas | PMMA | Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat |
Resartherm | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Resartherm | UP | Unsaturated Polyester |
Resicart | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Resicart | UF | Ureum-formaldehyde |
Resinit | EP | Epoxy (harsen) |
Resinit | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Resinol | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Resipas | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Resoform | UP | Unsaturated Polyester |
Resopal | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Resopal | UF | Ureum-formaldehyde |
Resopal H | UF | Ureum-formaldehyde |
Résophène | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Résophène | UF | Ureum-formaldehyde |
Restil | SAN | Styreen-Acrylo-Nitril |
Restiran | ABS | Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen |
Restirolo | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Resydrol | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Resydrol | UF | Ureum-formaldehyde |
Rexion | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Rhenadur | PVC-mod | gemodificieerd polyvinylchloride |
Rhenalon | PVC-Cop | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride copolymeer |
Rhenamit | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Rhenital | CF | Cresol-Formaldehyde |
Rhenital | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Rhenofol | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Rhenoglas | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Rhenophen | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Rhenoplast | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Rhiamer | PC | Poly-Carbonaat |
Rhiamer | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Rhiamer | PIB | Poly-iso-butyleen |
Rhiamer | PP | Poly-Propyleen |
Rhinohyde | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Rhodeftal | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Rhodester | UP | Unsaturated Polyester |
Rhodialine | CA | Cellulose-Acetaat |
Rhodialite | CA | Cellulose-Acetaat |
Rhodopan | CA | Cellulose-Acetaat |
Rhodopas | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Rhodopas | PVC-Cop | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride copolymeer |
Rhodorsit | Si | Silicoonrubber |
Rhodoviol | PVAL | Polyvinylalcohol |
Rhodvilène | PVC-Cop | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride copolymeer |
Rhovilite | PVC-Cop | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride copolymeer |
RIAG | PC | Poly-Carbonaat |
RIAG | PS | Poly-Styreen |
RIAG | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Riblene | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Rigidex | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Rilsan A | PA12 | Polyamide, Nylon |
Rilsan B | PA 12 | Polyamide, Nylon |
Rohacell | PI | Poly-Imide |
Ronfalin | ABS | Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen |
Rubex | PMMA | Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat |
Rütapox | EP | Epoxy (harsen) |
Rynite | PETP | Poly Etheen Tere Ftalaat |
Ryton PPS | PPS | Poly-Fenyleen-sulfide |
Sacopal | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Sacopal | UF | Ureum-formaldehyde |
Sadethane | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Sadur | PAN/PMMA-Cop | Polyacrylonitrille/plexi-copolymeer |
Saduren | MF-mod | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Sapranyl | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Saxetal | CA | Cellulose-Acetaat |
Schalon | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Sconater | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Sconatex | PVDC | Polyvinylideenchloride |
Semperiten | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Semperpren | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Sempuran | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Setilithe | CA | Cellulose-Acetaat |
Sicostirol | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Sicostirol | SB | Styreen-Butadieen (slagvast PS) |
Sicovin | Si | Silicoonrubber |
Sicovinil | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Sicril | PAN | Poly-Acrylo-Nitrille |
Sicron | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Sidamid | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Siegapor | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Silastic | Si | Silicoonrubber |
Silastomer | Si | Silicoonrubber |
Silicor | Si | Silicoonrubber |
Silopren | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Sirfen | CF | Cresol-Formaldehyde |
Sirfen | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Sirit | UF | Ureum-formaldehyde |
Siritle | UF | Ureum-formaldehyde |
Siron | PETP | Poly Etheen Tere Ftalaat |
Sirpol | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Sirtene | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Snowpearl | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Solef | PVDF | Poly-Vinyli-deen-Fluoride |
Solvic | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Soreflon | PTFE | Poly-Tetra-Fluor-Etheen |
Sprylast | UR | Butylrubber (elastomeer) |
Stamylan | HDPE | Hoge Dichtheid Poly Etheen |
Stamylan | LDPE | Lage Dichtheid Poly Etheen |
Steonef | PVDF | Poly-Vinyli-deen-Fluoride |
Stiroplasto | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Stratly | UP | Unsaturated Polyester |
Stren | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Sturofoam schuim | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Styrafil | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Styrafil | SB | Styreen-Butadieen (slagvast Poly-S) |
Styriso | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Styrocell | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Styrodur | PVDF | Poly-Vinyli-deen-Fluoride |
Styrodur schuim | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Styrofane | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Styroflex | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Styron | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Styron | PS mod | Poly-Styreen |
Styropor | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Styvarène | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Sübalit | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Sumilit | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Sumipex | PMMA | Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat |
Sunprene | PVC mod | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Supralen | HDPE | Hoge Dichtheid Poly Etheen |
Supralen | LDPE | Lage Dichtheid Poly Etheen |
Supraplast | EP | Epoxy (harsen) |
Supraplast | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Suprathen | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Supratherm | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Suraplast | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Suraplast | UF | Ureum-formaldehyde |
Suraplast | UP | Unsaturated Polyester |
Surfatax | UP | Unsaturated Polyester |
Surlyn | PE-Cop | Poly-Etheen copolymeer |
Sustamid | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Sustarin | POM | Poly-Oxy-Methyleen |
Sustodur | PETP | Poly Etheen Tere Ftalaat |
Sustonat | PC | Poly-Carbonaat |
Sustylen | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Sustylen | PP | Poly-Propyleen |
Symalen | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Synthacryl | PMCA | |
Synthemul | PMMA/PAN-Cop | polymethylmethacrylaat -polyacrylonitrille |
Technyl | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Tedlar | PVF | Poly-Vinyl-Fluoride |
Teflon | PTFE | Poly-Tetra-Fluor-Etheen |
Tefzel | VPE | Vernet polyetheen |
Tefzel 200 | ETFE | Etheen-tetra-fluor-etheen |
Tegofilm | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Tegofilm | UF | Ureum-formaldehyde |
Tenite | CA | Cellulose-Acetaat |
Tenite | CAB | Cellulose-Acetaat-Butyraat |
Tenite | CP | Cellulose-Propionaat |
Tenite | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Tenite | PP | Poly-Propyleen |
Tenite PTMT | PTMT | Poly-Tetra-Methyleen-Tereftalaat |
Tentronit | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Terlenka | PETP | Poly Etheen Tere Ftalaat |
Terlenka vezel | PETP | Poly Etheen Tere Ftalaat |
Terluran | ABS | Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen |
Ternel | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Terylene | PETP | Poly Etheen Tere Ftalaat |
Tesamoll | UR | Butylrubber (elastomeer) |
Tirilfoam | SAN | Styreen-Acrylo-Nitril |
Tortulen | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Tortulen | PP | Poly-Propyleen |
Tortulit T | CA | Cellulose-Acetaat |
TPX | PO | Phenoxyhars |
Transpex | PMMA | Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat |
Trespa | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Trespalen | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Trespaphan | PP | Poly-Propyleen |
Trevira | PETP | Poly-Tetra-Fluor-Etheen |
Trevira vezel | PETP | Poly-Tetra-Fluor-Etheen |
Triafol | CAB | Cellulose-Acetaat-Butyraat |
Trocal | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Trocellen | LDPE | Lage Dichtheid Poly Etheen |
Trofil | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Trofil | PP | Poly-Propyleen |
Trogamid | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Trogamid | PA 6 | Polyamide, Nylon |
Trolen | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Trolen PP | PP | Poly-Propyleen |
Trolitan | CF | Cresol-Formaldehyde |
Trolitan | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Trolitax | EP | Epoxy (harsen) |
Trolitax | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Trolitul | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Tromiphon | PVC-Cop | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride copolymeer |
Troporit | PF-mod | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Trosiplast | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Trosiplast | PVC hard | PVC zonder weekmaker |
Trovidur | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Trovidur | PP | Poly-Propyleen |
Trovidur | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Trovilon | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Trovipor | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Trovipor schuim | PVC diversen | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Trovitherm | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Tuf-flex | SAN | Styreen-Acrylo-Nitril |
Tuffak | PMMA | Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat |
Tufnol schuim | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Tuftane | UR | Butylrubber (elastomeer) |
Tungophen | PF-mod | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Turporex | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Tybrene | ABS | Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen |
Tygaflor | PTFE | Poly-Tetra-Fluor-Etheen |
Tynex | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Typar | PP | Poly-Propyleen |
Tyril | SAN | Styreen-Acrylo-Nitril |
Ugikral | ABS | Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen |
Ultradur | PTLT | Poly-Tetra-Methyleen-Tereftalaat |
Ultraform | POM | Poly-Oxy-Methyleen |
Ultramid | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Ultramid | PA 6 | Polyamide, Nylon |
Ultramid A | PA 6,6 | Polyamide, Nylon |
Ultrapas | MF | Melamine-Formaldehyde |
Ultraphan | CA | Cellulose-Acetaat |
Urafil | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Uralite | UF mod | Ureum-formaldehyde |
Urbanit | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Urbanit | UF | Ureum-formaldehyde |
Urecolle | UF | Ureum-formaldehyde |
Urepan | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Uresin B | UF | Ureum-formaldehyde |
Uropal | UF | Ureum-formaldehyde |
Uropol | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Urtal | ABS | Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen |
Vallade OB | ABS | Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen |
Valox | PBTP | Poly-Butileen-Tereftalaat |
Varlan | PVC hard | PVC zonder weekmaker |
Vedril | PMMA | Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat |
Verelite | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Versalon | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Verspel | PI | Poly-Imide |
Vespel hars | PI | Poly-Imide |
Vestamid | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Vestamid | PA12 | Polyamide, Nylon |
Vestan | PETP | Poly Etheen Tere Ftalaat |
Vestolen A | HDPE | Hoge Dichtheid Poly Etheen |
Vestolen A | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Vestolen BT | PB | Polybuteen |
Vestolen P | PP | Poly-Propyleen |
Vestolit | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Vestopal | UP | Unsaturated Polyester |
Vestopal | UP | Unsaturated Polyester |
Vestoran | SAN | Styreen-Acrylo-Nitril |
Vestypor | PS SAN | Poly-Styreen/Styreenacrylonitrille |
Vestyron | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Vestyron | SB | Styreen-Butadieen (slagvast PS) |
Viamin | UF | Ureum-formaldehyde |
Viapal | UP | Unsaturated Polyester |
Viaphen | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Viclan | PVC-Cop | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride copolymeer |
Victrex | PES | Poly Ethersulfon |
Vigopas | UP | Unsaturated Polyester |
Vigorol | CF | Cresol-Formaldehyde |
Vigorol | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Vilit | PVC-Cop | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride copolymeer |
Vinalit | PVAC | Poly-vinyl-acetaat |
Vinidur | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Vinitex | PVDC | Polyvinylideenchloride |
Vinnapas | PVAC | Poly-vinyl-acetaat |
Vinnol | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Vinoflex | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Vinybel | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Vipla | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Viplast | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Viplast | PVC zacht | PVC met weekmaker |
Viplavil | PVC-Cop | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride copolymeer |
Vipolit | PVC mod | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Vistram | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Vitapol | PMMA | Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat |
Vitaprene | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Vitathane | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Vitel | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Vitredil | PMMA | Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat |
Vitrosil | PF | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Vituf | UP | Unsaturated Polyester |
Vixir | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Volkaril | PVC mod | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Vonnel | PAN | Poly-Acrylo-Nitrille |
Voranol | PUR | Poly-Urethaan |
Vos | PMMA | Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat |
Vulcathene | LDPE | Lage Dichtheid Poly Etheen |
Vulkaresen | PF mod | Fenol-Formaldehyde |
Vulkasol | Thioplaste Si | Silicoonrubber |
Vulkide | ABS | Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen |
Vulkide | PP | Poly-Propyleen |
Vulkollan | PUR | Poly-Urethaan elastomeer |
Vybak | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Wacker-copolymer VAE | PE-Cop | Poly-Etheen copolymeer |
Walpol | PVAC | Poly-vinyl-acetaat |
Welvic | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Wolcrylon | PAN | Poly-Acrylo-Nitrille |
Wolfin | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Wolfin | PP | Poly-Propyleen |
Wolfin | PS | Poly-Styreen |
Wolfin | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
XR-polymer | Polysulfon | Polysulfon |
Xyleen | UR | Butylrubber (elastomeer) |
Xylon | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Xylonite | CN | Cellulose-Nitraat, Celluloid |
Ykalon | PE | Poly-Etheen |
Ykalon | PP | Poly-Propyleen |
Zefran | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Zellamid | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Zellidur | PVC | Poly-Vinyl-Chloride |
Zetafin | PE-Cop | Poly-Etheen copolymeer |
Zytel | PA | Polyamide, Nylon |
Zytel | PA 6,6 | Polyamide, Nylon |
Alleen leesbaar op een pc. Er kunnen mogelijke fouten of onjuistheden in het geschrift staan. Aan dit bericht kan men geen rechten ontlenen.
POM-C staf wit Ø 120 mm | lengte 250 / 500/ 1000mm
€37.15 – €135.13 -
POM met PTFE staf donkerbruin Ø 40 mm | lengte 1000 mm
€199.98 ex. €241.98 incl. btw -
POM met PTFE staf donkerbruin Ø 30 mm | lengte 1000 mm
€113.22 ex. €137.00 incl. btw -
POM met PTFE staf donkerbruin Ø 20 mm | lengte 1000 mm
€50.76 ex. €61.42 incl. btw -
PVDF staf naturel Ø 10 | 3 x lengte 1000 mm
€44.62 ex. €53.99 incl. btw -
PTFE staf wit Ø 140 mm | lengte 1000 mm
€756.45 ex. €915.30 incl. btw
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Rich Kunststoffen Apeldoorn
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Btw: NL003161738B60
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